natural spring water
Fatsu Beverages Industry and Trade Joint Stock Co.


Fatsu Beverages Industry and Trade Joint Stock Co.
is a Fatošlu Group establishment.

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        Why is it ideal for any age group?

- We have to ensure the adequate fluorine need of babies starting from their infancy in order to have them a better health state in the future. Fluorine is combined with the tooth enamel, which is a protection against tooth decays.

- Many people believe that boiling the water makes it purified. However this is a simple thought, which may not always be true. Although some bacteria dies by boiling, other contaminants present in the spring may not be prevented. In fact the boiling process makes these contaminants concentrated. As a result of the 4-phased filtration process in Fatsu modern facilities and disinfection process carried out with ozone gas and the examinations, Fatsu water is presented reliably to customers of any age group.

- Pregnant women need more water than the average, because they have to satisfy the fetus' needs and their need for liquid, which is lost as a result of increasing heat production and perspiration. Nursing mothers should increase their water intake in order to compensate the liquid lost during nursing.

Production of natural spring waters, mineral waters and drinks with natural aroma and marketing these products.