natural spring water
Fatsu Beverages Industry and Trade Joint Stock Co.


Fatsu Beverages Industry and Trade Joint Stock Co.
is a Fatošlu Group establishment.

For more information you may refer to the
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  Twe story of a FATSU water-drop

It springs out from the depths of earth and reaches to the mountain tops.
It meets the green fields of the earth and the blue skies.
It becomes a veil for the white snow.
And in FATSU facilities of the latest technology,
Is taken out from the spring and bottled
without the touch of hand.
You have known it as "quality, purity, clarity and love.
These feelings are combined with FATSU and respect to environment.

It is FATSU water drop,
High quality, health, security, training and constant improvement are its principles.
It has the environmental awareness and strives to expand this.
It respects the obligations for God and the related Legislations,
It refrains from waste of use of spring water
It aims sustainable development and productivity,

Its solid wastes are collected and other facility wastes are reused
The production loss is minimized with the improvement in the process and review of the design,
Companies that Respect the Environment are preferred for any kind of purchase,
Aims and objectives are reviewed and observed,
Social responsibilities are fulfilled with a sound communication with the environment,

That is a FATSU water drop
With the principle of Respect to Natural Environment
reaches you with an extraordinary taste.



Production of natural spring waters, mineral waters and drinks with natural aroma and marketing these products.